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Results 5231-5240 of 7352 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Study on fathers participation in infant feeding : associated factors and mothers/ satisfaction, in MOH area, KalutaraGodakanda, LP
1997Effect of community participation on primary health careGammanpila , U.P
2006Knowledge and practices on prevention of osteoporosis among women attending well women clinics in the Colombo Municipal council areaFernando, S
1995Effect of an educational and therapeutic intervention on the hemoglobin level of employees at Sathosa (CWE).Fernando, S.P
2007Seroprevalence and selected factors associated with Helicobacter Pylori Infection among asymptomatic adults in Beruwala Medical Officer of Health area in Kalutara DistrictFernando, T.R.P
1994Study of determine effectiveness of a distance education programme as a method of continuing education in providing knowledge to institutional midwives in the Kalutara District in comparison Kurunegala District.Fernando, T.E.I
2003Evaluation of a rapid whole blood immuno-chromatographic P.F/P.V assay for the diagnosis of plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax malariaFernando, S.D
2007Common oral diseases: knowledge and practices among public health midwives in Puttalam DistrictFernando, W.S.G
2007Study on the outcome of a distance education programme on knowledge, attitudes and performances of public health midwives in post partum care of the mother and in care of the newborn.Fernando, T.E.I
1991Study of the prevalence of pregnancy gingivitis and the attitudes of pregnant women regarding Oral Health Nugegoda M.O.H. Area.Fernando, T.P.B