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Results 5201-5210 of 7352 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Dec-2011Male participation in selected areas of reproductive health and the effectiveness of a male-focused, occupational-based intervention in KalutaraJayasekera, C
2002Study on children with congenital heart disease some factors related to the age at presentation for surgery to National Hospital of Sri LankaHerath, H.M.M.K
2006Quality of life,Eczema area, Disease severity and some selected factors related to Atopic Dermatitis among children attending the Dermatology Clinic at Lady Ridgeway Hospital.Herath, H.M.L
2004Study of blood donors and their perceptions at fixed and mobile blood collection sessions conducted by National Blood Transfusion Centre.Jayasekera, A.J.M.L.S.B.A
2009Home accidents and selected factors associated among those aged 60 years and above in the MOH area wattalaJayasekera, D.P.A.R.N
2005Study on readmission to a Tertiary Care Women Hospital (Castle Street Hospital for Women in year - 2005 ) in Sri LankaGuruge, B.A.H.P
2004Effect of maternal body mass index on mode of delivery, fetal outcome, and post delivery, fetal outcome, and post delivery complications.Gyamtsho, S
2002Effects of posture on musculoskeletal disorders among automated sewing machine operates and on productivity among female garment factory workers.Haniffa, M.R
2008Comparative study on outcomes of pregnancy beyond 40 weeks induction of labour versus spontaneous onset of labourGuruparan, K
2009Evaluation of long term clinical outcome of cervical carcinoma treated with concurrent chemo radiotherapy using ABS guidelinesHapuarachchi, T.D