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Results 5101-5110 of 7377 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Economic Implications of National Defence: Case of Sri LankaJayawardena, M.M.
2010Immunoepidemiology and Molecular Epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein II in Sri LankaPremaratne, P. H.
2012ළුලදායි ඉගෙනුම් - ඉගැන්වීම් වතාවරණයක් සඳහා ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ ද්වීතියික ශ්‍රේණිවල සිසුන්ගේ ගැටලුමය චර්යා කළමණාකරණයේදි ගුරුවරුන් විසින් භාවිතා කරනු ලබන ක්‍රම ශිල්ප පිළිබඳ අධ්‍යයනයක්සෙනරත්, ඩී.සී.පී.
2005Productivity and impact assessment of natural products chemistry research carried out in Sri LankaYapa, Champa Geethika
2007A Study of some of the erythrocyte membrane associated proteins in healthy individuals and Leukemia patients using one dimensional sodium dodecyl sufate poly acrylamide...Kottahachchi, D.U.
1999A critical examination of the Learning Environment related to science in 9-11 year Classes in the schools of Sri LankaDevendra, S.P.
2005Productivity and Impact Assesement of Natural Product Chemistry research Carried out in Sri LankaYapa, C.G.
1988Chemical constituents of some Sri Lanka marine organismsMahindaratne, M.P.D.
2007Channel geometry and modelling of electrical dischargesAmarasinghe, D.I.
2002Evaluation of iron status of children in the presence of infection: effects of iron supplementation on iron status, infection and morbidityDe Silva, Padmini Angela