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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020යේමන් ගැටුමට බලපෑ මුලික හේතු සාධක සහ ඒ හා බැදුණු ගෝලීය දේශපාලනික න්‍යාය පත්‍රය විශ්ලේෂණය කිරීමචන්ද්‍රසිරි, සී.එන්.පී.
2012A Psychological Study Burnout among Tamil Medium Secondary School TeachersYogaranee, S
2012"M-Learning Not an Extension of E-Learning:” Based on a Case Study of Moodle VLEHewagamage, K.P.; Wickramasinghe, W.M.A.S.B.; Jayatilaka, A. De S.
2007Will hospital based short stay assessment units improve efficiency of paediatric services?Senanayake, M.P.; de Silva, T.U.N.; Weerasuriya, D.C.
2015Annealing effects of the untreated and sulfur-treated electrodeposited n-type and p-type cuprous oxide thin filmsJayathilaka, K.M.D.C.; Kumara, L. S. R.; Song, C. H.; Kohara, S.; Sakata, O.; Kapaklis, V.; Siripala, W.; Jayanetti, J. K. D. S.
2012Sulfidation of electrodeposited microcrystalline/nanocrystalline cuprous oxide thin films for solar energy applicationsJayathilaka, K.M.D.C.; Siripala, W.; Kapaklis, V.; Jayanetti, J. K. D. S.
2014Effect of Guided Discovery Teaching Method on Students’ Performance in Science in a Collaborative Learning EnvironmentYogaranee, S
2009An oxidized ergosterol from Pleurotus cystidiosus active against anthracnose causing Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Mycopathologia,Menikpurage, I.P.; Abeytunga, D.T.U.; Jacobsen, N.E.; Wijesundara, R.L.C.
2010The Politics of Code Switching in Print Advertising in Sri LankaVanniasinkam, Nadine. A.
2017Genetic Determinants of sporadic breast cancer in a cohort of Sri Lankan postmenopausal women.Sirisena, Nirmala; Kuruppu, Anchala; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Neththikumara, Nilaksha; Samaranayake, Nilakshi; Dissanayake, Vajira H. W.