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Title: Pharmaceutical study of triphala ghrita with special reference to akshi tarpana
Authors: Mindula, H.P.S.
Sooriyaarachchi, B.S.M.M.
Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
Keywords: Triphala ghrita
Akshi tarpana
Netra roga
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
Abstract: Visual impairment develops into a serious health issue for people of all ages. Nearsightedness or longsightedness, which impairs near and far vision respectively, affects almost 2.2 billion individuals worldwide. Due to non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cataracts, and glaucoma, the prevalence of blindness is also very high. Visual fatigue affects more than 90% of smart device users who spend more than 3 hours a day using their devices. Triphala ghrita is a traditional Ayurvedic preparation which is a blend of Triphala (Haritaki - Terminalia chebula, Amalaki - Emblica officinalis and Vibhitaki - Terminalia bellirica), ghee and milk, used for centuries in the treatment of various eye diseases. Akshi tarpana is a commonly used local eye therapy which is restores and rejuvenates the eye. Triphala ghrita is the commonest drug used for Akshi tarpana. Due to its Cakshushya (improve the vision) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties, it is recommended for different Netra roga. Objective of this study is to reveal the Akshi tarpana effect of Triphala ghrita by using some analytical parameters and here, Triphala ghrita was prepared according to Netra roga cikitsa in Cakradatta and determine its effectiveness on eyes through physicochemical parameters and pharmacodynamic properties. Triphala ghrita is having light yellow color, smooth and ghee smell. Moisture content of Triphala ghrita was 0.239±0.01%, pH value was 7.4±0.02, Total ash value 0.322±0.01%, Refractive index 1.46574±0.001 and the phytochemical analysis reveals that, it contains steroids, saponin, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpene, proteins, and carbohydrates. Due to less moisture content it is expected to be more stable and would be resistant to microbial development. pH value was same as tear fluid's pH (7.4 -7.6). Due to the antioxidant properties of embedded phytochemicals and Madhura rasa among the ingredients of Triphala is also providing Cakshushya effect. Therefore, Triphala ghrita can be recommended for Akshi tarpana.
ISBN: 978-955-7676-12-8
Appears in Collections:Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine

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