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Title: The Efficacy of a Traditional Sri Lankan Medicine Formula on Endometriosis: A study protocol for a randomized single-blind, active comparator clinical trial
Authors: Karunagoda, K.P.K.R.
Perera, P.K.
Keywords: Endometriosis
Sri Lanken Traditional Formula
Clinical trial
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
Abstract: Background - According to the WHO data sheet, endometriosis affects approximately 10% (190 million) of reproductive-age women and girls worldwide. Endometriosis has no known cure; thus, treatment focuses on symptom management. Ayurveda treatment for this condition is being practiced in Sri Lanka. Significant numbers of cases were successes with Ayurveda treatment and it was noticed that this herbal formula controlled symptoms associated with endometriosis. This study is aimed to explore the efficacy and safety of the currently available Sri Lanken Traditional Formula on Endometriosis comparisons to a control group.
Appears in Collections:Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine

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