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Title: Formulating herbal under-eye cream utilizing selected varnya gana dravya from Charaka Samhita
Authors: Kavindi, W.A.B.
Madhushan, W.M.L.
Karunaratne, Y.A.U.D.
Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
Keywords: Ayurvedic skin care
Herbal under-eye cream
Natural beauty
Radiant skin
Traditional medicine
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Kelaniya
Abstract: Ayurveda promotes inner and outer beauty through natural skincare and lifestyle practices tailored to individual needs. Under-eye darkness poses a significant challenge among common eye concerns, caused by various factors including lifestyle stress and ageing. The herbal under- eye cream offers numerous benefits, including imparting a radiant glow, minimizing side effects, and catering to all skin types while reducing damage and irritation. Formulated with ingredients like rakthachandana, manjista̅, and yashtimadhu selected from Charaka Samhita̅'s varnya gana, along with virgin coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, aloe vera gel, liquid germall plus, and rose essential oil. Rakthachandana removes pigmentation spots and scars, while manjista̅evens skin tone and rejuvenates. Yashtimadhu improves complexion and inhibits melanin deposition. The base ingredients offer additional benefits like immune support, collagen production, and moisture retention, ensuring comprehensive skincare with a natural touch. The methodology involved obtaining dried coarse powder of rakthachandana, manjishta̅, and yashtimadhu, weighing 10 g, and then boiling them in 960 mL of water until the volume was reduced to 1/4 (240 mL). After filtering and separating the water part, virgin coconut oil (15 g), beeswax (5 g), and shea butter (2 g) were mixed and double-boiled until melted. Next, the decoction mixture was combined with the double-boiled mixture and beaten for 10 minutes. Aloe vera gel (2 g) was added and beaten for 5 minutes. Then, 02 drops of preservative and 02 drops of fragrance were added to the mixture and beaten again for 5 minutes. Finally, the under-eye cream was produced using selected varnya gana dravya from Charaka Samhita̅. The selected drugs predominantly exhibit tikta, kasha̅ya, and madhura rasa, along with guru, ru̅ksha, and snighdha guna, sheetha vi̅rya, and madhura vipa̅ka, as well as chakshushya and pittahara prabha̅va properties. These pharmacological and pharmacodynamic properties validate the efficacy of the cream as a cosmetic product.
ISBN: 978-624-5507-68-9
Appears in Collections:Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine

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