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Title: A conceptual literary exploration of Sayalan al-rahim (abnormal vaginal discharge) in Unani medicine
Authors: Saeedi, R.
Sultana, A.
Khan, M.A.
Farzana, M.U.Z.N.
Keywords: Abnormal vaginal discharge
Evidence based studies
Sayalan al-rahim, Unani Medicine
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous Medicine (SLJIM), University of Colombo
Abstract: Unani literature is enriched with the concept of Sayalan al-rahim (abnormal vaginal discharge). It is the excessive abnormal vaginal discharge from the female genital tract and the commonest reason for which women seek medical attention. It adversely impacts reproductive health and contributes to significant morbidity. Therefore, a literary exploration in classical Unani literature for Sayalan al-rahim was searched to implement in the current era. Further, various search engines like PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, Ovid, Science Direct, and Scopus were browsed for contemporary outlook of abnormal vaginal discharge with evidence-based medicine. According to various eminent Unani philosophers, Sayalan al-rahim is the disease that adversely affects the health of the women and should not be neglected; it can affect the fertility of a woman. The causes, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and management of abnormal vaginal have been well-documented in the classical texts. Contemporary medicine discusses abnormal vaginal discharge as a symptom of female reproductive diseases. Few studies have been published related to Sayalan al-rahim caused due to various female reproductive tract infections. This literary research validates the Unani classical texts that are enriched with in-depth knowledge on abnormal vaginal discharge. Few evidence-based studies have proven that traditional Unani medicines are efficacious in abnormal vaginal discharge.
Appears in Collections:Department of Unani Clinical Medicine

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