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Title: Unani Management of Recurrent Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: A Case Report
Authors: Farzana, M.U.Z.N.
Tharique, I.
Keywords: Bartholin’s glands
Female reproductive system
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
Citation: Farzana, M.U.Z.N., and Tharique, I. (2022). Unani Management of Recurrent Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: A Case Report. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 12(2), 247-249.
Abstract: In female reproductive system, Bartholin’s glands are one of the essential organs. In 17th century, Danish anatomist, Casper Bartholin first described about Bartholin’s cyst. at the posterior introitus of vagina two pea-sized glands of Bartholin’s glands found and secret mucus to ensure vaginal and vulval lubrication. Bartholin gland abscess or cyst is a common vulval pathology affecting the females of reproductive age group. this study was conducted in the OPD of the National Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Colombo-08. A 31-year-old female patient came with recurrent Bartholin cyst for one year with the complaint of left labia majora swelling, pain and difficult to walk. she was given Unani treatment Roghn e khas to apply twice a day for 2 weeks intervals for 6 weeks. the main outcome measure was to observe the resolvent of swelling and pain of Bartholin’s cyst. the patent’s swelling on labia majora and pain reduced within 4 weeks of the treatment. these Unani formulae might have as stat to resolve the swelling and pain of Bartholin’s cyst as they considered to have muhalli e warm, musakkin, daf e tafoon and daf e humma action. some of these drugs have been pharmacologically proved to its medicinal propoerties, which is reported to improve the reducing swelling and pain that may be attributed to foavinoids, saponins and alakaloids.
Appears in Collections:Department of Unani Clinical Medicine

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