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Title: Distribution analysis and improved propagation of selected Eriocaulon species used for medicinal purposes
Authors: Ketakela, O.W.
Viduranga, W.A.A.D.M.
Mayakaduwa, D.M.R.G.
Kathriarachchi, H.S.
Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
Keywords: E.quiquangulare
E. sexangulare
Species distribution modelling
Seed priming
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.
Abstract: Eriocaulon quiquangulare L. (Heen-Kokmota) and Eriocaulon sexangulare L. (Kokmota) are widely used in Ayurveda and other traditional ...
Appears in Collections:Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine

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