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Title: Study of Drell-Yan dimuon production in proton-lead collisions at sNN−−−√ = 8.16 TeV
Authors: Jayananda, M.K.
Sonnadara, D.U.J.
Wickramaratne, D.D.C.
Keywords: Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments), Relativistic heavy ion physics
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: The CMS collaboration., Sirunyan, A.M., Tumasyan, A. et al. Study of Drell-Yan dimuon production in proton-lead collisions at sNN−−−√ = 8.16 TeV. J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 182 (2021).
Abstract: Differential cross sections for the Drell-Yan process, including Z boson production, using the dimuon decay channel are measured in proton-lead (pPb) collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 8.16TeV. A data sample recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC is used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 173 nb−1. The differential cross section as a function of the dimuon mass is measured in the range 15– 600 GeV, for the first time in proton-nucleus collisions. It is also reported as a function of dimuon rapidity over the mass ranges 15–60 GeV and 60–120 GeV, and ratios for the p-going over the Pb-going beam directions are built. In both mass ranges, the differential cross sections as functions of the dimuon transverse momentum pT and of a geometric variable are measured, where highly correlates with pT but is determined with higher precision. In the Z mass region, the rapidity dependence of the data indicate a modification of the distribution of partons within a lead nucleus as compared to the proton case. The data are more precise than predictions based upon current models of parton distributions.
Appears in Collections:Department of Physics

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