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Results 11-20 of 72 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Molecular Cloning, Over-expression and Enzymatic Characterization of an Endo-acting β-1,3-glucanase from Marine Bacterium Mesoflavibacter zeaxanthinifaciens S86 in Escherichia coliLee, Y; Lee, J. H; Shim, W. B; Elvitigala, D. A. S.,; De Zoysa, M; Lee, S. J; Kang, H.D; Oh, C
2013Molecular insights of the first gastropod TLR counterpart form disk abalone (Haliotis discus discus), revealing its transcriptional modulation under pathogenic stressElvitigala, D. A. S.; Premachandra, H. K. A.; Whang, I.; Nam, B. H.; Lee, J.
2017Molecular Characterization of a bactericidal permeability - increasing protein / ilpopolysaccharide - binding protein from black rockfish (sebastes schlegelii) : Deciphering its putative antibacterial roleLee, S.; Elvitigala, D. A. S; Lee, S.; Kim, H. C; Park, H. C; Lee, J.
2013Residual bioburden in reprocessed side-view endoscopes used for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)Ubhayawardana, D. L. N. L; Kottahachchi, J; Weerasekera, M. M; Wanigasooriya, I. W. M. P; Fernando, S. S. N; De Silva, M
2016Identification and molecular characterization of peroxiredoxin 6 from japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) revealing its potent antioxidant properties and putative immune relevancyPriyathilaka, T.T.; Kim, Y; Udayantha, H. M. V; Lee, S.; Herath, H. M. L. P. B.; Lakmal, H. C; Elvitigala, D.A.S.; Umasuthan, N.; Godahewa, G.I.; Kang, S.I.; Jeong, H.B; Kim, S,K.; Kim, D.J
2015Molecular cloning, expression and functional characterization of a teleostan cytokin-induced apoptosis inhibitor from rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus)Elvitigala, D. A. S.; Premachandra, H. K. A.; Whang, I; Yeo, S. Y.; Choi, C. Y.; Noh, J. K.,; Lee, J.
2018Low Back Pain Related Disabilities and Level of Physical Activity among Elders Live in the Community and Elder’s Home: A Comparative Study in Colombo District, Sri LankaKularathna, H.; Rathnasooriya, A.; Somarathna, I.; Madhumali, K. M. S. S.,; Samarakoon, S. M. P. E.; Somarathna, U. N. T. M.; Karunathilaka, R.D.N; Warnakulasuriya, S,S,P
2016Descriptive Epidemiology of Somatising Tendency :Findings from the CUPID Study-
2015Molecular delineation of a caspase 1 homolog from black rockfish (sebastes schlegelii) and its transcriptional regulation in response to pathogenic stressElvitigala, D. A. S.; Whang, I.; Jung, H. B.; Lim, B. S.; Nam, B. H.; Lee, J.
2015Does Nurse Case Management Improve the Health Care Outcomes of Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)! - A Narrative ReviewKisokanth, G.; Prathapan, S.; Indrakumar, J.; Joseph, J.