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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Power Sector Reforms: Challenges and the Way ForwardFrancis, S.J.
2024Export Competitiveness of Ceylon Green Tea: Pre-Covid Opportunities and ChallengesFrancis, S.J.; Gunathilaka, A.U.G.C.A.
2024Determinants of Financial Shortfalls in State-Owned Railway Systems: An ARDL Approach for Sri Lanka RailwaysDanthanarayana, C.T.; Francis, S.J.; Kumarage, A.S.
2024The Nexus Between Inflation and Money Supply in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds TestFrancis, S.J.; Danthanarayana, C.T.; Basnayake, B.M.A.
2024Impact of Rewards System on Employee Performance: The Case of People's Insurance PLC in Sri LankaFrancis, S.J.; Hansamalia, H.G.C.; Sirikumar, T.; Ganeshamoorthy, M.
2024Impact of Inflation on Living Standard of People: An Econometrics Analysis of Sri LankaFrancis, S.J.; Afriha, F.A.M.
2024The influence of social media marketing on consumer behavior in the Sri Lankan clothing industryFrancis, S.J.; Mikda, F.N.M.; Ganeshamoorthy, M.
2021Fiscal Deficit Sustainability and Fiscal Policy Persistence In The West African Monetary ZoneAlabi, M.K.; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2020Fiscal Policy and the Business Cycle in the West African Monetary ZoneAlabi, M.K.; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2023Survey on Returnee Migrant Workers in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Living and Working Conditions and Institutional Support MechanismsEkanayake, Anoji; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai; Piper, Nicola; Perera, Sunethra
2023Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sri Lankan Migrant Workers in the Gulf RegionEkanayake, Anoji; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2010Financing of Internal Displacement: Excerpts from the Sri Lankan ExperienceAmirthalingam, Kopalapillai; Lakshman, R.W.D.
2012Impact of Displacement on Women and Female-Headed Households: A Mixed Method Analysis With a Microeconomic TouchAmirthalingam, Kopalapillai; Lakshman, R.W.D.
2010Why is the VAT Not a ‘Money Machine’ in Sri Lanka?Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2023Returning Home: A Comparative Analysis of the Experiences of Sri Lankan First- and Second-Generation Refugee Returnees from IndiaEkanayake, Anoji; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2021The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Sri Lankan migrants in QatarEkanayake, Anoji; Amirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2021External Sector Gender Wage Gaps in Sri Lanka: An Analysis Using Matching TechniquesKulatunga, Sasini T.K
2021Role of social and environmental sustainability in driving consumer brand loyalty of young adults: a case study on five-star hotel brands in Colombo, Sri Lanka.Suraweera, S.A.D.P.P.
2021Potential of developing scuba diving tourism in Sri Lanka: scuba diving operators perspective.Kothalawala, H.S.; Arachchi, R.S.S.W.
2021The relationship between the concept of sense of place and willingness to pay for historical and cultural places in Sri LankaHettiarachchi, T. U.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117