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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995Conifeiyl alcohol oxidase - a catechol oxidase?Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.; Savidge, Rodney A.
2010Parasitic associations of a threatened Sri Lankan rainforest rodent, Mus mayori pococki (Rodentia: Muridae)Ratnaweera, Pamoda B.; Wijesinghe, Mayuri R.; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.
2008Host specificity in bat ectoparasites: A natural experimentSeneviratne, Sampath S.; Fernando, H. Chandrika; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.
1994Purification of an acidic coniferin-hydrolysing β-glucosidase from developing xylem of Pinus banksianaLeinhos, Volker; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.; Savidge, Rodney A.
2005Natural Human Antibody Responses to Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane Antigen 1 under Low Transmission and Unstable Malaria Conditions in Sri LankaWickramarachchi, Thilan; Premaratne, Prasad H.; Perera, K. L. R. Lakshman; Bandara, Sumith; Thomas, Alan W.; Handunnetti, Shiroma M.; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.
2010Genetic diversity and recombination at the C-terminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein-1 of Plasmodium vivax (PvMSP-1) in Sri LankaDiasa, Sajani; Longacreb, Shirley; Escalant, Ananias A; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.
2007Genetic Diversity and Selection at the Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (PvAMA-1) Locus in a Sri Lankan PopulationGunasekera, Anusha M.; Wickramarachchi, Thilan; Neafsey, Daniel E.; Ganguli, Ishani; Perera, Lakshman; Premaratne, Prasad H.; Hartl, Daniel; Handunnetti, Shiroma M.; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.; Wirth, Dyann F.
1994Purification of an acidic coniferin-hydrolysing β-glucosidase from developing xylem of Pinus banksianaLeinhos, Volker; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.; Savidge, Rodney A.