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Title: Effect of Sri Lankan high grownblack tea (camellia siner. L.O. Kuntze) on motility of human spermatozoa in virto
Authors: Ratnasooriya, W.D.
Amarakoon, A.M.T.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: This stud}' examined the eHecls of black tea brew (BTH) or, p.iolihi\f luii spermatozoa //; vilro. This was done usini^ Sri Lankan hi;ih L^rown Dust iirade N biaek tea and iVcshi> ejaculated human semen Oifrerent concenliations (250. 500 1000 mg/kgj o f B T B was made ni isotonic ^ a l u K ' (li.^>"/(, NaCi. \ v i u<inv. t'lce/c d; tea samples. These were mixed with equal \s ot fresh >cmcn adjusted to h, a density of 20 x 10^ and motility assessments wore made a: -'•5. 15. - .-0. and min of incubation at 37 '"C using WHO cnlena. The results showed tiial 15TB diii ehamie the percentage motilit\ of spermatozoa significantly 'P • c 0,^) I I P W C '. BTB apparcniK' induced a marked increase m the lateral head displaecmcn! spermatozoa. In addition. B T B was non toxic to sperm. It is sugi;e=;!eJ thai Sn i , a (U black tea ma\ be beneilcial for male fenilu\
Appears in Collections:Department of Zoology

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