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Title: An investigation of in vivo antimalarial activity of black tea brew of Camellia sinensis L.O. Kuntze in mice
Authors: Ratnasooriya, W.D.
Jayasinghe, C.D.
Udagama-Randeniya, P.V.
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: S.I.J. tea Sci. 72(I). 9-15. 2007
Abstract: Sc\cral traditional medicines and folklore beliefs exist that black tea brew f RTB) frv^n Caincllia sinensis L. 0 . Kuntze: (Thcaceae) possesses antimalarial acn\\s stiuK' scienlifiealh' in\'cstigatcd the aiiliniaiaria! potential (in terms ot^nntiparastic a c n \ i i \ of C sinensis using Sn Lankan high grown Dust grade No. 1 tea in vr.-n \n m^c against Plasmodium yoelti. 1336 mg/kg of B T B 'da\[ to 24 cups) or chloroquinc or water was orally administered to three different groups (n • ^'group) of mice for 3 consecutive days and the schizonticidal activity determined. The results showed no significant (P > 0.05) schizonticidal acti\'il\ either on earh infection os the established malarial infections (measured in terms of parasitaemia. ciieniosiipprcsion and mean survn'a! time). However, the number of survi\ing mice :i! 4 post inocLikinon was higher in the BTB treated group, compared with the \ehicic. it is concluded that B T B ma\ not bo effective against F. falciparum human malaria contrar\ to the beliefs of traditional medicines and folklore tiiat it is effccti\.
Appears in Collections:Department of Zoology

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