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Title: Adaption and Validation of the Birleson Depression Self-Rating Scale for Children
Authors: Panabokke, Nathalie
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Master of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
Abstract: Thc adaptation o1'scalcs is a vcry impoltarrt pl'occss sirrcc it plovitlcs clinicians rvith valicl, rcliable tools fbr tlic assesslllent of clinicalclisorclcrs."I'his thcsis is airttcrl at providing a Sinhala version of thc Birlcson Dcprcssion Scll:]lating Scalc lirl Childlcn. The study involved tire translation of the scalc iuto Sir-rliala, as rvcll as valiclating thc translated instrunrent by assessing the applicability of tlre scale to thc Sri Lankati cotltext using the Delphi Mcthocl. 'fhe tlanslated scalc was also aclnritiistcrecl to a sanrlllc ol children to asscss the reliability of the scalc. The Birleson-Sinhaia appcars to liave goocl flace validrty aud was clecurcd acccptable attr.1 appropriate for use in the Sri Lankan context. Ilowever, thc reliability analysis did not produce a globally acceptable value I'or the alpha coefl'tcietlt. Whilst the Birleson-Sinhaia scale would require further investigation, it catl be used as an cffective screening instrument to identify dcpressive disorders in children ancl aclolescents. The aim of such a scale is not to provide a diagnosis but to iclentify those who',,vould benefit from further clirrical invcstigation.
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses - Faculty of Graduate Studies

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