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Title: Surgical treatment versus expectant care in the management of incomplete miscarriage
Authors: Wickramasinghe, W.U.S
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: MD ( Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Abstract: To estimate the percentage reduction of ERPCs by giving expectant care in the management of incomplete miscarriages in first trimester and to compare main outcomes such as duration of bleeding, duration of pain, severity of pain ,infection, level of satisfaction ,duration of hospital stay ,injuries and costs between expectant care and surgical management(ERPC) The two groups were comparable as there was no statistically significant difference observed in two groups regarding mean age(p=.25),parity(p=.39),level of education(p=.19),monthly income(p=.64),distance from hospital(p=.12),mean Hb (p=.09),mean PCY(p=.42),mean POA(p=.59) and mean RPOC(P=.06) on admission No infections or injuries reported in this study. Statistically significant differences were observed in duration of bleeding (P.OO I), in expectant care over the surgical treatment group. Duration of pain is significantly higher in the ERPC group(P.OO I). Also the pain score is significantly higher in the ERPC group(P.OO I). Duration of hospital stay and number of days off from normal day today activities were significantly higher in the surgical treatment group(P.OO I ).Level of client satisfaction is not significantly different in both treatment groups(
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses - Postgraduate Institute of Medicine

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