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Showing results 6686 to 6705 of 7172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2010Wages Board as a Mechanism of Deciding Employment Conditions of Employees in Hotel & Catering TradeWataliyadda, H.M.D.N.K
2010Wages Board as a Mechanism of Deciding Employment Conditions of Employees in Hotel & Catering Trade.Wataliyadda, H.M.D.N.K
1997Wages Terms & conditions of employees in the private & corporation sectorAbeysinghe, I
2017Walking on a Tight Rope: Sri Lanka's Fragile Transitional Justice ProcessMedawatte, Danushka
2016War Traumatized Adolescents (WTA): A Study on the Coping Strategies Adopted by the School Going Adolescents, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.Hariharamotharan, S.; Abeysinghe, Dilrukshi
2012A water extract of leaves and stems of Psychotria sarmentosa has analgesic and antihyperalgesic activity in ratsRatnasooriya, W.D.; Dharmasiri, M.G.
2016Water pollution and its effects on population in Kurunegala Municipal Council AreaRuzaik, Fareena
2008Water Pollution in PingaOya : a gender analysis, in Water Resources Research in Sri LankaMahees, M.T.M.; Sivayoganathan, C.; Basnayaka, B.F.N.
2010Water quality analysis of lake gregory, nuwara eliya with respect to the dynamic input and outputPerera, J.I.P.
1993Water quality and pollution levels of hamilton canal, a water body connecting Kelani river and Negombo estuaryDassanayake, N.H.
2018Water Resources, Dams and Development: A Critical Sociological ReviewMahees, M.T.M.
2011Weak-form Efficiency of the Government bond mar ket of Sri LankaGoonethilleke, Tyrell
2019Wealth management: A Theravada Buddhist viewpointKulatunga, S.T.K.
1984Wealth, Power and Prestige : Emerging patterns social inequality in a peasant contextHettige, Siripala
2018Web presence of the Library of the University of Colombo: 2013-2018Silva, M.A.L.
2022Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis (WGCNA) of Arabidopsis Somatic Embryogenesis (SE) and Identification of Key Gene Modules to Uncover SE-Associated Hub GenesDe Silva, Kithmee K.; Dunwell, Jim M.; Wickramasuriya, Anushka M.
2012Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease (WCLWD) causing phytoplasmaKanatiwela, C.; Amarasekara, S.; Wijesekara, R.; Udagama, P.
2006Western Medical Dominance and Quacks in Sri LankaAbeysinghe, A.
2012Western social dances in Sri Lanka practiceChandani, U.W.D.
2016What happens when the nuclear species is absent? Observations of mixedspecies bird flocks in the Hiyare Forest Reserve, Galle, Sri LankaPerera, P. L. M. M.; Kotagama, S.W.; Goodale, E.; Kathriarachchi, Hashendra