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Showing results 6219 to 6238 of 7126 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015TA-1 Impact of tea and coffee consumption on stroke and Parkinson disease: A Sri Lankan perspectiveAttanayake, M.K.D.K.; Amaratunga, D.; Gamage, R.; Ragunathan, M.K.; Fernando, H.; Liyanage, J.; Kulthunga, A.; Gunasekara, H.; Dissanayake, Lakshman; Suriyakumara, S.V.T.; Udawatte, N. S.; De Silva, K.R.D.
2020Tackling the burden of NCDs in Sri Lanka: the Way ForwardKumarapeli, V.
2017Taking participatory governance from needs to rightsPeiris, P.
2016Talk to an Expert: a pilot study on Human Library, University of ColomboAdhikari, S.M.; Manatunga, P.K.S.; Silva, M.A.L.
2020Tamil Book on Medical Geography(Tamil Translation)Ruzaik, Fareena
2011Tax Incentives and the Economic Development in Sri LankaPathirana, R.P.D.
2015Taxonomic identification, immunopharmacological and toxicological study of Haliclona (Soestella) sp, a marine sponge species from Sri LankaGunathilake, K. V. K.
2016Taxonomic Revision of the Temperate Woody Bamboo Genus Kuruna (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Arundinarieae)Attigala, L.; Kathriarachchi, Hashendra; Clark, L. G.
2010Tea Industry of Sri Lanka ; The History, Present and Future Trends ,of Tea Cultivation.Dissanayake, D.M.K.
2012A teacher as a member of the paediatric team: lessons to put into actionSenanayake, M.P.
2010Teacher isolation in one teacher, two teacher schools: Haven't we ignored for too long.Vithanapathirana, M.V.
2021Teaching and Learning Sustainability during and beyond COVID-19: A Review of Business and Management StudiesAbeydeera, S.
2019Teaching English as a second language in Sri Lankan primary schools: opportunity and pedagogyLittle, Angela W.; Shojo, Mari; Sonnadara, D.U.J.; Aturupane, Harsha
2008Teaching English in Urban Sri Lanka The Case of Four Government Schools in ColomboKarunaratne, Iresha Madhavi
2-Dec-2012The teaching of reading in the primary classesDias, L.
2015Teaching of Second National Language (2NL) in Sri Lanka: Success and Failurein achiving Objectives of 2NLAthirathan, Sabaratnam; karunanithi, Markandu
2005Teaching role of the Sri Lankan university librarians in the light of changing pedagogical paradigm brought about by the education policy reformsWijetunge, Pradeepa
2017Technical efficiency in the production of economic knowledge in state universities in Sri Lanka: A nonparametric perspective on multiple outputs and the role of studentsKurukulasooriya, N.; Ranasinghe, A.
2012Technical Efficiency of Paddy Farmers in Batticaloa District of Sri LankaBhavan, T.; Maheswaranathan, S.
2016Technical efficiency of state universities in Sri Lanka: a study on social science disciplinesNisantha, K.A.