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Showing results 4904 to 4923 of 7126 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Radicalization within: Sri Lankan Muslims in the Age of ISISWickramasinghe, Ashan Y.
1981A radio-tracer study on the catabolism of linamarinAmerasingha, T.D.C.M.D.
Jul-1981A radio-tracer study on the catabolism of linamarinAmarasinghe, T.D.C.M.D.
2015Radioactivity levels in beach sand from Hambantota to Dondra, Sri LankaBandara, W.M.R.C.; Mahawatte, P.
2013Radioactivity of sand in the coastal strip from Beruwala to Dondra, Sri LankaBandara, Muditha S; Mahawatte, Palee
1990Radiological changes and ventilatory function tests in the tea factory workers exposed to tea dust in the proximity of Kandy city : a preliminary study.Jayawardana, P.L
2006Rainfall Forecasting: An Artificial Neural Network ApproachKumarasiri, A.D.; Sonnadara, D.U.J.
2004Rainfall variability resulted by solar flaresDolawatta, N.N.W.
1996Randamized study of Neo-adjuvant combination Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Vs Radiotherapy alone in advanced stage Oral and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Sinnathamby, K
2009A randomised controlled study of effectiveness of patient information leaflets on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in improving knowledge on SLEGalappatthy, P.; Dharmarathne, N.; Fernando, V.; Dayasiri, K.; Perera, M.T.K.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2009A randomised controlled study of effectiveness of patient information leaflets on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in improving knowledge on SLEGalappatthy, P.; Dharmarathne, N.; Fernando, V.; Dayasiri, K.; Perera, M. T. K.; sheriff, M. H. R.
1993Randomized Clinical trial in Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix stage 111 B.Vigneswaran, V
1997Randomized clinical trial of acyclovir plus prednisone versus prednisone alone in Bell’s palsyLi, Y.J.; Gao, P.F.; Mao, X.L.; Cao, P.Y.
2018A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of satapushpashatavari powdered drug with satapushpa-shatavari grita for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos)Kumarapeli, M.; Karunagoda, K.; Perera, P.K.
2007Randomized comparison of two oxytocin regimes used in induction of labour.Shantha, S.P.S
2007A randomized controlled trial comparing the techniques and suture material used for skin closure in supra public transverse incision at caesarean surgery.Jayawardane, D.B.I.A
2008Randomized controlled trial of prophylactic oxytocin versus ergometrine for the prevention of atonic primary postpartum haemorrhage.Prathapan, R.
2017Rapid degradation of FOG discharged from food industry wastewater by lipolytic fungi as a bioaugmentation applicationWitharana, Ayoma; Manathunga, Jagath; Ratnayake, Niranjanie; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Jayaweera, Mahesh
1970A Rapid Method for the Separation of Protein-Bound and Ionized Calcium in Human Serum and the Establishment of the Clinical Norm for Ceylon SubjectsSentheshanmuganathan, S.; Sachithanandam, S.; Perera, D.J.B.
2021Rapid Review of The Literature on Nursing Students’ Perception and Experience During COVID-19 PandemicNishara, M.G.S.; Herath, H.M.H.I.; Shavindi, J.M.L.; P.P.M. Lakrandi, P.P.M.; Thavalingaratinam, P.; Asurakkody, T.A.