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Showing results 4188 to 4207 of 7167 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Obesity associated cognitive impairment among middle-aged adults in a selected MOH area, Colombo District, Sri LankaAriyasinghe, P. K.; Kumara, K. P. D. R.; Alexander, H. D. D.; Senarathna, S. A. H. L.; Kasthuri, K. S. M.; Karunathilaka, R. D. N.; Warnakulasuriya, S. S. P.
2020Obesity: Sri Lanka and the Global EpidemiologyKatulanda, Prasad
2011Object T racking using Optical FlowIlleperuma, G.D.; Sonnadara, D.U.J.
Dec-1978Observation on the endogonaceae in rubber soils of sri LankaJayasinghe, R.S.
2009Observations of groundwater Quality Distribution in Tsunami affected areas using GIS (Case study in Weligama- Sri Lanka)Piyadasa, Ranjana U. K.
1978Observations on the endogonaceae in rubber soils of sri lankaJayasinghe, R.S.
1988Observer variability in anthropometryBalasuriya, S.
2007Occupational health problems, life style and occupational risk factors associated with burnout among female primary school teachers in the Southern Province of Sri LankaDe Silva, P.V
2009Occupational exposure to high indoor noice levels and related health effects of workers at free trade zone - biyagamaVithanage, A.
1994Occupational Health Hazards of Brass Worker in a selected community.Jayawardana, P.L
2021Occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss Among the Dental Professionals Working at Dental Institutes in Sri Lanka.De Silva, M. D. K.; Tissera, J. H. D. S. P
2004Occurrence and change of occurrence of southwest monsoon (an analysis of rainfall data)Prasanna, M.A.K.
1978The occurrence and metabolism of free amino acids, in some selected plants of Sri LankaPeiris, P.S.
1978The occurrence and metabolism of free amino acids, in some selected plants of Sri LankaPeiris, P.S.
2004Occurrence of enterotoxin producing Clostridium perfringens in meat caries available in eating houses within Colombo City.Ranasinghe, G.R
1999Occurrence of listeria monocytogenes in food items available in retail outlets in ColomboCooray, K.J
1969Occurrence of the lung fluke paragonimus macrorchis Chen, 1962 in CeylonKannangara, D.W.W.
2011Ocular and subcutaneous dirofilariasis in a Sri Lankan infant: an environmental hazard caused by dogs and mosquitoesSenanayake, Manouri P.; Infaq, M. L. M.; Adikaram, S. G. S.; Udagama, P. V.
2007Oesophago-gastrectomy in a patient with haemophilia ASamarasekera, D. N.; Nanayakkara, P R; Gamage, H N S; Abayadeera, A U; de Silva, H J
2007Oesophago-gastrectomy in a patient with haemophilia ASamarasekera, D.N.