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Showing results 3710 to 3729 of 7096 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Aug-2012M i c r o o r g a n i s m s in S e m i n a l S a m p l e s w i t h a n d w i t h o u t P y o s p e r m i a : Relevance f o r A s s i s t e d R e p r o d u c t i o n T e c h n o l o g i e s (ART)Kaluarachchi, A; Seneviratne, H.R; Wijeratne, S
2012"M-Learning Not an Extension of E-Learning:” Based on a Case Study of Moodle VLEHewagamage, K.P.; Wickramasinghe, W.M.A.S.B.; Jayatilaka, A. De S.
2015Machine Counting of Malaria Infected Blood Cells Using RGB ImagesWijesinghe, W.D.P.; Hiran H. E. Jayaweera
2014Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in seminal fluid as a marker of male factor infertility: a pilot study in Sri Lankan menObeysekera, Maheshi P.; Amarasekara, Dulshara S.; Wijerathna, Sumedha; Fernando, Chandrika; Udagama, Preethi V.
1997Macrovascular disease in Sri Lankan kidney transplant recipientsLanerolle, R.L.; Fernando, D.J.S.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2021Magnetite nanoparticles incorporated porous kaolin as a superior heavy metal sorbent for water purificationLankathilaka, K.P.W.; de Silva, Rohini M; Mantilaka, M.M.M.G.P.G; de Silva, K.M. Nalin
2011Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into urban development plan of Nuwara Eliya, Sri LankaCooray, T.C.M.N.R.T.
2007Maintenance logistics and operator personnel support on availability of medical equipment in base hospitals of the western province in Sri LankaDharmaratne, G.S.K
2012Major and trace element geochemistry of beach sands from northern Kyushu, Japan.Malick, B.M.L.; Young, Sansfica M.; Ishiga, Hiroaki
2011Making Science Undergraduates into lifelong learners: a new Information Literacy module to Science curriculumSomaratna, Sajeewanie D.
1951Malaria in the Maha Oya Basin 1Rajendran, S.; Jayewickreme, S.H.
2012Malaria in the Maha Oya Basin 2Rajendran, S.; Jayewickreme, S.H.
1951Malaria in the Maha Oya Basin 3Rajendran, S.; Jayewickreme, S.H.
1972A Malaria Parasite (Plasmodium (Garnhamella) coturnixae) of the Grey Quail Coturnix coromandelica (Gmelin). Aves-GalliformesSarkar, A.C.; Ray, H.N.
2004Malaria Vaccine Studies on Anopheles Midgut Glycoproteins and a Plasmodium Falciparum Merozoite Surface ProteinAnavarathavinayagamoorthy, S.
2004Malaria vaccine studies on Anopheles midgut glycoproteins and a plasmodium falciparum metrozoite surface proteinVinayagamoorthy, S.A.
2004Malaria vaccine studies on anopheles midgut glycoproteins and a plasmodium flaciparum merozoite surface proteinAnavarathavinayagamoorthy, Sivagowry
2014MALDI orthogonal TOF imaging Mass Spectrometry with continuous laser raster samplingFernando, J.V.P.
2010Male dominance to female dominance and back to male dominance: the changing nature of international labour migration of Sri LankaDe Silva, W. Indralal
7-Dec-2011Male participation in selected areas of reproductive health and the effectiveness of a male-focused, occupational-based intervention in KalutaraJayasekera, C