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Showing results 2963 to 2982 of 7172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Iatrogenic Aspergillus infection of the central nervous system in a pregnant womanLokuhetty, M. D. S.; Wijesinghe, Harshima D; Weerasundera, Buddhika; Dayapala, A
2009Iatrogenic aspergillus infection of the central nervous system in a pregnant womanLokuhetty, M.D.S.; Wijesinghe, Harshima D.; Weerasundera, Buddhika; Dayapala, A.
2010ICT exposure of Sri Lankan youth: a key for developmentDe Silva, W. Indralal
2021ICT skills of Library & Information Science (LIS) professionals for the adoption of Blended Learning: a case study of University of ColomboManatunga, P.K.S.; Silva, M.A.L.
2021Identification and characterization of acetic acid bacteria species isolated from various sources in Sri LankaKaumal, M. N.; Perumpuli, P. A. B. N.; Buddhika, M. A. A.
2014Identification and characterization of cyanobacteria in different climatic zones of Sri Lanka using 16S rRNA genes and detection of toxin producing cyanobacterial species using molecular markersWanigatunge, R.P.
2020Identification and characterization of cystatin B from black rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii, indicating its potent immunological importanceWickramasinghe, P. D. S. U.; Kwon, H.; Elvitigala, D. A. S.; Wan, Q.; Lee, J.
2016Identification and molecular characterization of peroxiredoxin 6 from japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) revealing its potent antioxidant properties and putative immune relevancyPriyathilaka, T.T.; Kim, Y; Udayantha, H. M. V; Lee, S.; Herath, H. M. L. P. B.; Lakmal, H. C; Elvitigala, D.A.S.; Umasuthan, N.; Godahewa, G.I.; Kang, S.I.; Jeong, H.B; Kim, S,K.; Kim, D.J
2017Identification and molecular profiling of DC - SIGN - like from big belly seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis) inferring its potential relevancy in host immunityJo, E.; Elvitigala, D. A. S; Wan, Q.; Oh, M.; Oh, C.; Lee, J.
2008Identification and quantification of major cannabinoids in ayurvedic preparation of Madana modakaya using high performance liquid chromatographyRatnapala, K.V.
2007Identification and quantification of spice adulteration in Sri LankaPerera, C.Y.P.
2004Identification in Erosion Prone Areas in Kukule Watershed using Geographic Information SystemsKarunaratne, A.; Manawadu, L.
2005Identification in Erosion Prone Areas in Kukule Watershed using Geographic Information SystemsKarunaratne, A.; Manawadu, L.
2015Identification of a C- reactive protein like homologue from black rockfish (Sebastes Schlegelii) evidencing its potent anti-microbial properties at molecular levelElvitigala, D. A. S.; Wan, Q.; Kim, H. C.; Lee, J.
2015Identification of a myeloperoxidase - like ortholog from rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus), deciphering its transcriptional responses to included pathogen stressElvitigala, D. A. S.; Whang, I.; Nam, B. H.; Park, H. C.; Lee, J.
2014Identification of a novel molluscan short-type peptidoglycan recognition protein in disk abalone (Haliotis discus discus) involved in host antibacterial defensePremachandra, H. K. A.; Elvitigala, D. A. S.; Whang, I.; Lee, J.
2006Identification of bacteriological aetiologic agents causing acute exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseKottahachchi, J
2011Identification of best practices for software outsourcing success in public sector organizations in Sri LankaGoonetilleke, Indika Udeni
2021Identification of Bioaerosols Heading Direction Using a Quadrant Photo DetectorAbeywickrama, S. S.; Hiran H. E. Jayaweera
2020Identification of causes and effects of drug usage in Kuchchaveli DSD of Trincomalee DistrictLakshana, Y.; Ruzaik, Fareena