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Showing results 576 to 595 of 7172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The background factors of downfall of Ottoman empireAmeer, U.A.; Sabir, Mohamed Muhsin
2010Bacterial pathogens in conjunctivities and corneal ulcers with special reference to streptococcus pneumoniaPiyasiri, D.L.B
1996Bacteriological aetiologic agents of skin sepsis in Sri Lankan children with special reference to group a streptococci.Somaratne, P
2015Balancing the Conflicting Interests between the Right to Development and the Right to a Healthy Environment: An Analysis of the Colombo Port City ProjectLeelarathna, Anjani
2012Balancing the Private Property Interests of the Foreign Direct Investors and Host States’ Right to Regulate in the Context of Environmental Concerns in the Public InterestPathirana, D.
2012Banana improvement through gamma irradiation and testing for banana bract mosaic virus in Sri LankaHirimburegama, Kshanika; Hirimburegama, W.K.; Dias, W.K.G.
2010Bank cardsAmeer, U.A.
2015Barefoot Counselors: Psycho-Social Support at the GrassrootsVitharana, N.
2020Baseline analysis of stress levels of the Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Sri LankaSiriwardana, S.; Yapa, W. B.; Muzeniek, T.; Perera, T.; Schwarz, F.; Premawansa, G.; Premawansa, S.; Kohl, C.; Nitsche, A.
2016Batticaloa Medical JournalVamadevan, C.; Rajasekaran, V.; Arulanandem, K.; Kisokanth, G.; Sukunan, G.; Kartheepan, K.; Santharooban, S.; Thurairatnem, K.; Paramakurunathan, S
2007Behavior of Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices in Fast Transient and Repetitive Current Impulse EnvironmentEdirisinghe, Chaminda Mahesh
2007Behavior of low voltage surge protective devices in fast transient and repetitive current impulse environmentEdirisinghe, C.M.
2016Behavioral Dynamics of Rainfall Extremes of Sri Lanka (From 1981-2010)Sanjeewani, R.M.S.S.; Manawadu, L.
1996Behaviour and fate of paraquat applied to the dry zone rice soil of Sri LankaGunaratne, H.P.G.
2003The behaviour of the demand for money function of Sri Lanka 1950-1985Pieris, M.P.
2011Behaviour, ecology and conservation of Sri Lanka Magpie Urocissa ornata Wagler, 1829 (Aves; Corvidae)Ratnayake, C.P.
2024Behind Closed Doors: Redefining Up-Country Tamil Community’s Political Identity as a Distinct Minority GroupPuwanitha, S.
2019Beijing urban particulate matter-induced injury and inflammation in human lung epithelial cells and the protective effects of fucosterol from Sargassum binderi (Sonder ex J. Agardh)Fernando, I.P. Shanura; Jayawardena, Thilina U.; Kim, Hyun-Soo; Lee, Won Woo; Vaas, A.P.J.P.; De Silva, H.I.C.; Abayaweera, G.S.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Abeytunga, D.T.U.; Lee, Dae-Sung; Jeon, You-Jin
2007Belief of Sri Lankan medical students about wife beatingHaj-Yahia, M.M.; De Zoysa, P.
2010Below to above Replacement:Increased Fertility and its Determinants in Sri Lankade Silva, W. Indralal; Perera, B. Nishanthi; Anuranga, K. Chamara