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Showing results 3568 to 3587 of 7167 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Judicial Approach for Promotion of Good Governance of Natural Resources in Sri LankaSarveswaran, A.
2025Judicial Use of Expert Medical Opinions: A Study of Sri Lankan LawJayarathna, N.; Amarasinghe, Kusal; Thilakarathna, K.A.A.N.
2022Jurisprudence from Natural, Positive and Realistic PerspectivesThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.
2020Jurisprudence of statutory rapeThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.; Jayarathna, Nisanka
2021A jurisprudential analysis on abortions: A perspective from natural law and sociological school of lawThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.; Mathotaarachchi, K.P.
2017‘Just kidding’: Student perspectives on the use of pedagogical humourAbayasekara, S.A.
2016Justice in Dire Straits: Unlawful Pretrial Detainees, Family Members and Legal RemediesMedawatte, Danushka
2019Justice, wellbeing and peace building: Definitions, practice and critique from a post-war borderde Mel, N.
Sep-1966Juvenile Delinquency and Culture ConflictIrene, W
2012Kathak dance in bollywood cinemaPerera, H.A.N.S.
2019A keratinocyte and integrated fibroblast culture model for studying particulate matter-induced skin lesions and therapeutic intervention of fucosterolFernando, I. P. Shanura; Jayawardena, Thilina U.; Kim, Hyun-Soo; Vaas, A.P.J.P.; De Silva, H.I.C.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Abeytunga, D.T.U.; Lee, WonWoo; Ahn, Ginnae; Lee, Dae-Sung; Yeo, In-Kyu; Jeon, You-Jin
2008Key parameters for the successful implementation of sri lanka's national resettlement policy in an urban contextRupasinghe, S.R.
2008Keys to job satisfaction of nursing officers in Government HospitalsSridharan, S
1991Kidney preservation for cadaver transplantation: a Sri Lankan perspective?De Mel, T.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Sheriffdeen, A.H.; Jayasekera, G.
1986The kidney transplant operationSheriffdeen, A.H.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2009A kidney transplant patient on cyclosporine therapy presenting with dural venous sinus thrombosis: a case reportRajapakse, S.; Gnanajothy, R.D.; Lokunarangoda, N.; Lanerolle, R.
2020Kidney Transplantation : New AdvancesCassim, R.
1973Kineiies of electrocrystailisation of calonel in chloride solutions under Potentionstatic conditionsMUNASIRI, BHARDRA
2018A Kinetic Theory Based Model for Dengue TransmissionErandi, K.K.W.H.; Mahasinghe, Anuradha; Perera, S.S.N.