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Showing results 3528 to 3547 of 7126 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Joint Modelling of Two Count Variables using a Shared Random Effect Model in the presence of Clusters for Complex DataSooriyarachchi, M.R.
2021Joint Multilevel Discrete Competing Risk with Continuous Outcome via Bivariate Copula model – Application to a Dengue Epidemiology Study, Sri LankaKarunarathna, G.H.S.; Sooriyarachchi, M.R.
2018Joint Multilevel Model for Analyzing Length of Stay through Competing Endpoints in Dengue EpidemiologyKarunarathna, G.H.S.; Sooriyarachchi, M.R.
2010Journal based information services in Sri Lankan University libraries: a studyMashroofa, M.M.; Jayasundara, C.C.
2018JOURNAL OF TOURISM ECONOMICS AND APPLIED RESEARCH (JTEAR)University of Colombo, Department of Economics
2018JOURNAL OF TOURISM ECONOMICS AND APPLIED RESEARCH (JTEAR)University of Colombo, Department of Economics
2017JOURNAL OF TOURISM ECONOMICS AND APPLIED RESEARCH (JTEAR)University of Colombo, Department of Economics
2010Judicial Approach for Promotion of Good Governance of Natural Resources in Sri LankaSarveswaran, A.
2022Jurisprudence from Natural, Positive and Realistic PerspectivesThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.
2020Jurisprudence of statutory rapeThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.; Jayarathna, Nisanka
2021A jurisprudential analysis on abortions: A perspective from natural law and sociological school of lawThilakarathna, K.A.A.N.; Mathotaarachchi, K.P.
2017‘Just kidding’: Student perspectives on the use of pedagogical humourAbayasekara, S.A.
2016Justice in Dire Straits: Unlawful Pretrial Detainees, Family Members and Legal RemediesMedawatte, Danushka
2019Justice, wellbeing and peace building: Definitions, practice and critique from a post-war borderde Mel, N.
Sep-1966Juvenile Delinquency and Culture ConflictIrene, W
2012Kathak dance in bollywood cinemaPerera, H.A.N.S.
2019A keratinocyte and integrated fibroblast culture model for studying particulate matter-induced skin lesions and therapeutic intervention of fucosterolFernando, I. P. Shanura; Jayawardena, Thilina U.; Kim, Hyun-Soo; Vaas, A.P.J.P.; De Silva, H.I.C.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Abeytunga, D.T.U.; Lee, WonWoo; Ahn, Ginnae; Lee, Dae-Sung; Yeo, In-Kyu; Jeon, You-Jin
2008Key parameters for the successful implementation of sri lanka's national resettlement policy in an urban contextRupasinghe, S.R.
2008Keys to job satisfaction of nursing officers in Government HospitalsSridharan, S