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Showing results 2649 to 2668 of 7172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Generative design of stable semiconductor materials using deep learning and density functional theorySiriwardane, Edirisuriya M. Dilanga; Zhao, Young; Perera, Indika; Hu, Jianhu
2021A Genetic Algorithm for University TimetablingAbeywardena, K.; Illeperuma, G.D.
2010Genetic complexity of Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka, as reflected at the merozoite-surface-protein-3a locusWICKRAMARACHCHI, T.; PREMARATNE, P. H.; DIAS, S; HANDUNNETTI, S. M.; UDAGAMA-RANDENIYA, P. V.
1990Genetic complexity of Plasmodium vivax parasites in individual human infections analyzed with monoclonal antibodies against variant epitopes on a single parasite proteinUdagama, Preethi V.; Gamage Mendis, Asoka C; David, Peter H.; Peiris, J.S.M.; Perera, K.L.R.L.; Mendis, Kamini N.; Carter, Richard
2017Genetic determinants of sporadic breast cancer in a cohort of sri lankan postmenopausal womenSirisena, Nirmala; Kuruppu, Anchala; Adeyemo, AdebowaleA; Neththikumara, Nilaksha; Samaranayake, Nilakshi; Dissanayaker, Valira H. W
2017Genetic Determinants of sporadic breast cancer in a cohort of Sri Lankan postmenopausal women.Sirisena, Nirmala; Kuruppu, Anchala; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Neththikumara, Nilaksha; Samaranayake, Nilakshi; Dissanayake, Vajira H. W.
2010Genetic diversity and recombination at the C-terminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein-1 of Plasmodium vivax (PvMSP-1) in Sri LankaDiasa, Sajani; Longacreb, Shirley; Escalant, Ananias A; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.
2007Genetic Diversity and Selection at the Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (PvAMA-1) Locus in a Sri Lankan PopulationGunasekera, Anusha M.; Wickramarachchi, Thilan; Neafsey, Daniel E.; Ganguli, Ishani; Perera, Lakshman; Premaratne, Prasad H.; Hartl, Daniel; Handunnetti, Shiroma M.; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi V.; Wirth, Dyann F.
2008Genetic diversity at the domain II locus of Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane Antigen -1 (pvAMA-1) in Sri Lankan isolates. TheDias, S; Munasinghe-Gunasekera, A; Udagama-Randeniya, P
2011Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein II (PvDBPII) under unstable transmission and low intensity malaria in Sri LankaPremaratne, Prasad H.; Aravinda, B. Ramesh; Escalante, Ananias A.; Udagama, Preethi V.
2012Genetic Diversity of the Plasmodium vivax Circumsporozoite Protein (Pvcsp) in Sri LankaDias, S.; Wickramarachchi, T.; Sahabandu, I.; Escalante, A.A.; Udagama, P.V.
1993Genetic polymorphism of orosomucoid (ORM) in populations of the United Kingdom, Indian subcontinent, and CambodiaMastana, S.S.; Jayasekara, R.W.; Fisher, P.; Sokoi, R.J.; Papiha, S.S.
1993Genetic polymorphism of orosomucoid (ORM) in populations of the United Kingdom, Indian subcontinent, and CambodiaMastana, S.S.; Jayasekara, R.W.; Fisher, P.; Sokoi, R.J.; Papiha, S.S.
2009genetic profile of 11 autosomal STR loci among the four major ethnic groups in Sri LankaIlleperuma, R.J.; Mohotti, S.N.; De Silva, T.M.; Fernandopulle, N.D.; Ratnasooriya, W.D.
1985Genetic study of the Veddas of Sri Lanka.Ellepola, S.B
1986A Genetic Study or the Veddas and the SinhaleseEllepola, S. B.; Wikramanayake, Eugene R.
1996Genetic variation in Sri LankaPapiha, S.S.; Mastana, S.S.; Jayasekara, R.W.
1996Genetic variation in Sri LankaPapiha, S.S.; Mastana, S.S.; Jayasekara, R.W.
2017Genetically Modified Crops and Human Health,Ruzaik, Fareena
2020Genetics and Genomics of Breast Cancer in Sri LankaSirisena, N.D.