Browsing by Author Li, Y.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Anti rheumatic herbal compound drug Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) as selective cytokines target in rheumatoid arthritis. Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous MedicinePerera, P. K.; Li, Y.
2012Effectiveness of herbal drugs used as immunomodulators in rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract proceeding book of The National Ayurveda Research ConferencePerera, P. K.; Li, Y.
2011Ex vivo and in vivo effect of Chinese herbal pill Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) on experimental arthritisPerera, P.K.; Peng, C.; Xue, L.; Li, Y.; Han, C.
2011Ex vivo and In vivo Effect of Chinese herbal Pill Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) on experimental arthritis, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134,171-175.Perera, P. K.; Peng, C.; Xue, L.; Li, Y.; Han, C.
2010Experimental study on secondary affection of rat’s collagen arthritis treated with Yi Shen Juan Bi pill. Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Science and TechnologyPeng, C.; Perera, P. K.; Li, Y.; Teng, Q.; Han, C.
2012Functional herbal food ingredients used in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Pharmacogansy Review 2012:6:37-45Perera, P. K.; Li, Y.
2010Han C. Effects of Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) pill on Experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 8, 57-61Perera, P. K.; Peng, C.; Xue, L.; Li, Y.; Fang, W.
2010Immunomodulatory activity of a Chinese herbal drug Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) in adjuvant arthritis. Indian Journal of PharmacologyPerera, P. K.; Peng, C.; Li, Y.; Fang, W.; Han, C.
2010Immunomodulatory activity of a Chinese herbal drug Yi Shen Juan Bi in adjuvant arthritisPerera, P.K.; Li, Y.; Peng, C.; Fang, W.; Han, C.
2010Improve students’ effectiveness in lab sessions using instant lab report International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & PracticesPerera, P. K.; Li, Y.
2011Mushrooms as a functional food mediator in Preventing and ameliorating diabetes Functional Foods in Health and DiseasePerera, P. K.; Li, Y.
2012Serum Pharmacological Effect of Chinese Herbal Pill Yi Shen Juan Bi (YJB) on Cultured Macrophages and Synoviocytes.Perera, P. K.; Peng, C.; Xue, L.; Li, Y.; Han, C.