Browsing by Author Lankathilake, M.A.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Assistive technologies for the visually impaired undergraduates of the University of ColomboLankathilake, M.A.
2018Developing a digital tool to support avoidance of research repetition in the Humanities and Social SciencesMilton, M. A.; Lankathilake, M.A.; Kuruppu, D.C.
2024Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries: A Scientometric Analysis based on the Scopus DatabasePerera, W.P.G.L.; Lankathilake, M.A.; Koralage, H.P.
2022Factors affecting the Use of Information by Visually Impaired Students: With Special reference to the Library, University of ColomboLankathilake, M.A.; Ramanan, T.
2022Factors affecting the use of online library resources: a case study based on the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka during 2021-2022Senanayake, S.G.N.C.; Lankathilake, M.A.
2023Factors influencing digital literacy skills among visually impaired undergraduates: a qualitative analysis of viewpoints of academic staffLankathilake, M.A.; Ramanan, T.
2020Global research on depression among university students due to impacts of COVID-19 outbreak: A scientometric review using PubMed databaseLankathilake, M.A.
2020Global research on depression among university students due to impacts of COVID-19 outbreak: A scientometric review using PubMed databaseLankathilake, M.A.
2022Investigating the use of online information resources by visually impaired undergraduates during the pandemic period: a case study at University of ColomboLankathilake, M.A.; Ramanan, T.; Perera, W.P.G.L.
2024Use of Conversational Artificial Intelligence tools in Higher Education: Perception of Science UndergraduatesLankathilake, M.A.; Silva, M.A.L.; Somaratna, Sajeewanie D.
2023Use of digital information resources and digital assistive devices by the undergraduates with visual impairmentsLankathilake, M.A.; Ramanan, T.
2019Use of information sources by and factors affecting access to information of visually impaired undergraduatesLankathilake, M.A.
2019Use of information sources by and factors affecting access to information of visually impaired undergraduatesLankathilake, M.A.
2021Visualizing the authorship and keywords relationships on Environmental Science publications based on SLJOL from 2016-2020Lankathilake, M.A.; Ramanan, T.