Browsing by Author Nanayakkara, C.M.

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Showing results 17 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Phosphate-solubilizing fungi for efficient soil phosphorus managementKumari, P.D.S.U.; Nanayakkara, C.M.
2019Preliminary evaluation of probiotic potential of yeasts isolated from bovine milk and curd of Sri LankaRajawardana, D.U.; Hewajulige, I.G.N.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Athurupana, S.K.M.R.A.; Madhujith, T.
2017Rapid degradation of FOG discharged from food industry wastewater by lipolytic fungi as a bioaugmentation applicationWitharana, Ayoma; Manathunga, Jagath; Ratnayake, Niranjanie; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Jayaweera, Mahesh
2012Screening of Efficient Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms from Rhizosphere of Some Export Agricultural CropsKumari, P.D.S.U.; Nanayakkara, C.M.
2018Serpulanines A to C, N‐Oxidized Tyrosine Derivatives Isolated from the Sri Lankan Fungus Serpula sp.: Structure Elucidation, Synthesis, and Histone Deacetylase InhibitionWilliams, David E.; Gunasekara, Niranjan W.; Ratnaweera, Pamoda B.; Zheng, Zehua; Ellis, Samantha; Dada, Sarah; Patrick, Brian O.; Wijesundera, Ravi L. C.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Jefferies, Wilfred A.; de Silva, E. Dilip; Andersen, Raymond J.
2020Some records of Ascomycete macrofungal species from selected areas of dry zone of Sri LankaEdiriweera, S.S.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Weerasena, O.V.D.S.J.
2018Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Sulfonated Copper-Triazine ComplexesKatugampala, Supun; Perera, Inoka C.; Nanayakkara, C.M.; Perera, Theshini