Showing results 7 to 26 of 47
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2006 | Choice of Poison for Intentional Self-Poisoning in Rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Karunaratne, A.; Weerakoon, M.; Kumarasinghe, S.; Rajapakshe, M.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Buckley, N.A.; Gunnell, D. |
2006 | Choice of Poison for Intentional Self-Poisoning in Rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Karunaratne, A.; Weerakoon, M.; Kumarasinghe, S.; Rajapakse, M.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Gunell, D. |
2007 | Compliance for single and multiple dose regimens of superactivated charcoal: A prospective study of patients in a clinical trial | Mohamed, F.; Sooriyarachchi, M.R.; Senarathna, L.; Azhar, S.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Buckley, N.A.; Eddleston, M. |
2007 | Compliance for single and multiple dose regimens of superactivated charcoal: A prospective study of patients in a clinical trial | Mohamed, F.; Roshini Sooriyarachchi, M.; Senarathna, L.; Azhar, S.; Rezvi Sheriff, M. H.; Buckley, N. A.; Eddleston, M. |
2007 | Compliance for single and multiple dose regimes of superactivated charcoal: a prospective study of patients in a clinical trial | Mohamad, F.; Sooriyarachchi, M.R.; Senarathna, L.; Azhar, S.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Buckley, N.A.; Eddleston, M. |
2003 | Deaths due to absence of an affordable antitoxin for plant poisoning | Eddleston, M.; Senarathna, L.; Mohamed, F.; Buckley, N.; Juszczak, E.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Ariaratnam, C.A.; Rajapakse, S.; Warrell, D.; Rajakanthan, K. |
2003 | Deaths due to absence of an affordable antitoxin for plant poisoning. | Eddleston, M.; Senarathna, L.; Mohamed, F.; Buckley, N.A.; Juszczak, E.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Ariaratnam, C.A.; Rajapakse, S.; Warrell, D.A.; Rajakanthan, K. |
2003 | Deaths due to absence of an affordable antitoxin for plant poisoning. | Eddleston, M.; Senarathna, L.; Mohamed, F.; Buckley, N.; Juszczak, E.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Rajakanthan, K. |
2005 | Differences between organophosphorus insecticides in human self-poisoning: a prospective cohort study | Eddleston, M.; Eyer, P.; Worek, F.; Mohamed, F.; Senarathna, L.; von Meyer, L.; Juszczak, E.; Hittarage, A.; Azhar, S.; Dissanayake, W.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Szinicz, L.; Dawson, A.H.; Buckley, N.A. |
2005 | Differences between organophosphorus insecticides in human self-poisoning: a prospective cohort study | Eddleston, M.; Eyer, P.; Worek, F.; Mohamed, F.; Senarathna, L.; von Meyer, L.; Buckley, N. A. |
1999 | Epidemic of self-poisoning with seeds of the yellow oleander tree (Thevetia peruviana) in northern Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Ariaratnam, C.A.; Meyer, W.P.; Perera, G.; Kularatne, A.M.; Attapattu, S.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Warrell, D.A. |
1999 | Epidemic of self-poisoning with seeds of the yellow oleander tree (Thevetia peruviana) in northern Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Ariaratnam, C. A.; Meyer, W. P.; Perera, G.; Kularatne, A. M.; Attapattu, S.; Warrell, D. A. |
2005 | Epidemiology of Intentional Self-Poisoning in rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Gunnell, D.; Karunaratne, A.; De Silva, D.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Buckley, N.A. |
2005 | Epidemiology of Intentional Self-Poisoning in rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Gunnell, D.; Karunaratne, A.; De Silva, D.; Sheriff, M. R.; Buckley, N. A. |
2007 | The hazards of gastric lavage for intentional self-poisoning in a resource poor location | Eddleston, M.; Haggalla, S.; Reginald, K.; Sudarshan, K.; Senthilkumaran, M.; Karalliedde, L.; Ariaratnam, C.A.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Warrell, D.A.; Buckley, N.A. |
2007 | The hazards of gastric lavage for intentional self-poisoning in a resource poor location | Eddleston, M.; Haggalla, S.; Reginald, K.; Sudarshan, K.; Senthilkumaran, M.; Karalliedde, L.; Ariaratnam, C. A.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Warrell, D.A.; Buckley, N.A. |
2007 | The importance of poisoning vs. road traffic injuries as a cause of death in rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Udayakumara, N.; Adhikari, S.; De Silva, D.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Waidyaratne, D.L. |
2007 | The importance of poisoning vs. road traffic injuries as a cause of death in rural Sri Lanka | Eddleston, M.; Udayakumara, N.; Adhikari, S.; De Silva, D.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Waidyaratne, D.L. |
2003 | Influence of pesticide regulation on acute poisoning deaths in Sri Lanka | Roberts, D.M.; Karunarathna; Buckley, N.A.; Manuweera, G.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Eddleston, M. |
2003 | Influence of pesticide regulation on acute poisoning deaths in Sri Lanka | Roberts, D. M.; Karunarathna, A.; Buckley, N. A.; Manuweera, G.; Sheriff, M. H.; Eddleston, M. |